Agile Secure Software Lifecycle Management


Agile Secure Software Lifecycle Management – Secure by Agile Design
3rd edition
114 pages
ebook | pdf
ISBN 978-90-817866-2-1
Release date: May 2024

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Secure by Agile Design

‘Agile’, ‘… SCRUM’, ‘… DevOps …’, ‘Big Data’, ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’, ‘… Blockchain …’ are just a few of the winged terms that can be heard and read everywhere today.

All terms that have enormous in influence, directly or indirectly on humanity. We all use the technology from smartphones to self-driving cars. And all this technology has one thing in common: it is controlled by software!

Every day we also read the headlines about hackers, cyber-crime, DDOS and the many other possibilities of abuse, failure, theft, loss, leak of important (personal) information or money. Safe software, both in development and in use, is therefore not a luxury.
Seeing that organizations are adopting Agile development in a rapid pace the Secure Software Alliance ( aims to provide methods and controls for secure development. In this book the Agile Secure Software Development Framework is introduced together with a method for maturing the Agile Secure Software Development Life Cycle. In short sprints the need, the trends, fundamentals and agile secure software development is explained.

The Secure Software Alliance (SSA) provides organizations with a practical method to build and manage agile secure software in the sprints six and seven in this book.

Our method is part of the Roadmap for Digital Hard- and Software Security of Dutch Government.

The not-for-profit SSA aims to assure the security of software! This book is an important step in this objective.

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